Bowler: Justin Emig, 29, of York.
Latest bowling accomplishment: Rolled games of 299, 269 and 300 for an 868 series at Colony Park Lanes North, setting the house record.
I started bowling at: Lincolnway Bowling when I was eight years old.
Best bowling advice I ever received: Ninety percent of bowling is mental.
PBA bowlers I enjoy watching: Bill O’Neill.
Most memorable bowling moment: Winning the county tournament for the first time.
Part of my game I’m working on improving: Being more consistent.
Bowling appeals to be because: I enjoy the competition and camaraderie. I’ve made many close friends through bowling.
Advice I would give someone just starting to bowl: Be patient and work to understand the game.
Non-bowlers don’t realize: How challenging the sport is.
Future goal: Win the state singles title.
Note: Lion Bowl hosts a York Area BPA 700 Club Over 40/Under 40 tournament, 10 a.m. and 1 p.m., Sunday, May 8. Entry fee is $25 per person.
Bowler of the Week is submitted by the York County Bowling Proprietors Association. To nominate a bowler, send email to bowleroftheweek@gmail.com.
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