Bowler: Travis Bathurst, 24, of Dallastown.
Latest bowling accomplishment: Rolled an 824 series at Suburban Bowlerama.
I started bowling: At Lincolnway when I was 13.
Bowler I have learned the most from: Steve Elicker.
Best bowling advice I ever received: Don’t get too uptight; have fun.
Most memorable bowling moment: Rolling my first 300 game two years ago.
Part of my game I’m working on improving: Adjusting to the lane conditions.
Bowling appeals to me because: Everyone can do it and it’s very social.
Non-bowlers don’t realize: the complexity of the game and how much difference there is between pro and amateur bowlers.
The toughest part about bowling is: Stringing strikes together.
Future goal: Although I have a 300 game and an 800 series, I would like to accomplish both of them in the same night.
Note: East Lincoln Lanes hosts a Plastic Ball Doubles Tournament, 10 a.m., Sunday, Jan. 30. The tournament features five games across 10 lanes and a top prize of $400. Entry fee is $50 for early birds and $60 for walk-ins. All balls are subject to approval for the tournament and bowlers are requested to check in early. Plastic Ball Doubles Tournament rules can be found at www.eastlincolnlanes.com.
Bowler of the Week is submitted by the York County Bowling Proprietors Association. To nominate a bowler, send email to bowleroftheweek@gmail.com.
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