Bowler: John Fitz, 64, of York.
Latest bowling accomplishment: Rolled an 809 series at Suburban Bowlerama.
I started bowling: About 12 years ago after taking 35 years off. I’m glad I returned to the lanes. It’s a lot of fun.
Best bowling advice I ever received: Focus on your mark and duplicate your shots.
Bowlers I have learned the most from: My teammates. I learn a lot from them just by watching.
Most memorable bowling moment: Rolling my first 300 game in October 2010.
Part of my game I’m working on improving: Staying focused.
Bowling appeals to me because: You can do it all year round and it attracts a great group of people.
Non-bowlers don’t realize: How dedicated you have to be to be one of the best bowlers.
The toughest part about bowling is: Converting the 10-pin.
Future goal: Roll another 300 game and 800 series.
Note: The Bud Light York County Match Play Championships will be held April 9-10 and 16-17. Six-game qualifying sessions are scheduled for Hanover Bowling Centre, Saturday, April 9, and Lincolnway Bowling, Sunday, April 10. Match play is scheduled for Colony Park North, Saturday, April 16, and East Lincoln Lanes, Sunday, April 17. Entry fee is $85 prior to April 2 and $125 after that date. First place is worth $1,000. Entry forms are available at local bowling centers.
Bowler of the Week is submitted by the York County Bowling Proprietors Association. To nominate a bowler, send email to bowleroftheweek@gmail.com.
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