Frank Curry, 72, of York is bowling like someone who has discovered the Fountain of Youth.
Curry recently rolled back-to-back 300s after starting with a 196 game at East Lincoln Lanes. He became the first county senior bowler to accomplish the feat.
Earlier this season, he sandwiched a 174 game between two perfect games at East Lincoln Lanes. He has tallied six perfect games this season, while averaging around 215.
“This entire season has amazed me,” said Curry, a member of the York-Adams Bowling Hall of Fame who owns 16 career perfect games. “I’ve never had a year like this, and I’ve been bowling for more than 50 years. I’ve had more 300s this season than in any five-year period in my career.”
He continued, “I haven’t been as consistent this year, but I’ve rolled more high single games. A lot depends on my physical condition and how I feel on the days I bowl.”
After opening with a 196 game, Curry made a slight adjustment by shortening the spot on the lanes where he focused during his delivery. He reeled off 24 consecutive solid strikes during his record-setting performance.
“I found the right spot about the 10th frame of the first game,” he said. “The spot where you focus on the lanes affects how you release the ball. It wasn’t a big adjustment, but it paid off.”
Curry said he never expected to roll two 300s in a series once during his career much less twice in one season.
On both occasions, however, he failed to reach the 800 plateau, generating a lot of good-natured ribbing from his teammates and opponents.
“That just adds to the enjoyment,” commented Curry, who has done his share of ribbing.
As if the six perfect games this season aren’t impressive enough, consider that Curry also has registered nearly a dozen 279 games.
Even though the veteran right-hander said it’s easier than ever to roll high scores, it doesn’t explain why bowlers half his age aren’t matching his accomplishments.
“I compete against myself more than my opponents,” he said. “I want to do better today than yesterday. I want to keep improving.”
While Curry may not be able to improve upon this season, he said, “It’s been a great experience.”